Use of Marathi Language in Court

The Supreme Court stated that “the rights guaranteed by Article 19 of the Constitution are not unlimited” and contain reasonable restrictions. The state government is considering making Marathi the official language of the Mumbai Supreme Court under Article 348(2) of the Indian Constitution. “A public objective must be achieved by this rule. There is a broader public purpose and a broader justification. Marathi may be the official language of the state government, but it is undeniably a common language and a native language of the state. It has its own extremely rich and diverse cultural traditions, spanning everything from literature to theatre and beyond. There are texts in Marathi expressed and written in Devanagari,” the bank noted. Marathi Language Minister Vinod Tawde announced the decision in a written response to the National Assembly. In its petition, Jadhav requested that the prosecution be conducted not only in English, but also in Marathi and not just in the latter language. The order was made available on Saturday. “However, the government should ensure that the next audit organized for prosecutors is conducted in both English and Marathi,” he said. Jadhav said he had studied in Marathi since school and that proceedings before the courts of the first-class judicial magistrate and junior division of civil judges were generally conducted in the Marathi language.

A few years ago, the government ordered the lower courts to make Marathi the official language. Tawde said steps would be taken to ensure that Marathi was used in the lower courts. “If the rule was that you can only use Marathi, then this would have been a topic of discussion. Here you can use any other language, and there is no prohibition,” Judge Patel said. According to NDTV, Jadhav claimed to have studied Marathi since primary school and that the language is generally used in court proceedings before the first-class judicial magistrate and the first-class civil judge. He said the indigenous language of his state is Marathi. The petition claimed that the Maharashtra Civil Service Commission (MPSC) was organizing the examination for the selection of lower courts in Marathi as well as in English. The plea argued that while Marathi is a constitutionally recognized language, the Devanagari script is not. Therefore, the complainant had asserted that the Marathi language could be written in many scriptures without being obliged to use any particular scripture. State government lawyer Abhay Patki disagreed with the plea.

The Mumbai High Court today said the Maharashtra government`s rule requiring shops and establishments to display their names in the Marathi language (Devanagari script) was reasonable and refused to repeal it. The FRT`s application claimed that the state government`s decision violated, inter alia, Article 14 (right to equality before the law), 19(1)(A) (right to freedom of expression) and Article 21 (right to personal liberty) of the Constitution, and that there was “no rationality” in the decision, since “the choice of the language of the State cannot be imposed on companies”. The Maharashtra government should seriously implement its policy of promoting the Marathi language, the Mumbai Supreme Court has said, ordering it to hold the recruitment exam for Marathi state prosecutors from now on. The court continued: “We must not understand the government`s point of view. The test was scheduled for September 11, 2022, so it may not be possible to approve an order for this year`s test. The court noted: “In fact, even in this Supreme Court, we allow Marathi documents in Devanagari, even if the language of the court is English, unless translations are required by a particular bank or court. The litigant has the right to submit documents to the court in Marathi, unless translations are expressly requested. “What the applicant does not realize is that this requirement is not for retailers, but for workers and the public who approach them and are more knowledgeable about Marathi,” the court said. The Supreme Court said in its ruling that the Maharashtra government should have taken this seriously. In its decision, HC Mumbai said the Maharashtra government must take this issue seriously. She noted: “The government cannot say that the hearing of judges and civilian judges can be provided for the response in the Marathi language and that the same possibility would not be provided for the interrogation of the prosecutor`s office. In fact, the general position of the government is to promote the local language (Marathi).

The other prime minister, Molina Thakur, told the court that 7,700 candidates would sit for the exam for prosecutorial posts this year. Maharashtra Topics | Marathi language | Mumbai High Court According to the plea, the Maharashtra Civil Service Commission (MPSC) conducts examinations in Marathi and English to select lower court judges.

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