Shin Pad Rules

Some players don`t like the shin guard feel on their skin and choose to wear another long sock or calf sleeve just above their leg before putting on shin guards. This can help reduce skin irritation, although this is also a problem. There is a lot of nonsense when it comes to certain rules of football, and some of that nonsense turns some players into dramatic actors. Height (length or height): Shin guard sizes are often associated with the player`s height and are usually identified as Extra Small (XS), Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L) and Extra Large (XL), which corresponds to 3`3″ to 6`9″ on this range. These sizes are also sometimes associated with age groups. However, there is no standardization between sizes between manufacturers. A manufacturer also offers the sizes Youth Small (YS), Youth Medium (YM) and Youth Large (YL). Shin guards should not be purchased solely on the basis of size marks. At the very least, shin guards should be held by the shin to ensure they are neither too long nor too short. Alternatively, the tibia can be measured, from one inch above the ankle to one inch below the base of the knee. This results in the maximum length of a shin guard possible.

Movement, weight and “feel”: Ultimately, the player wearing the shin guard must test whether or not shin guards allow a full range of all ankle and foot movements, that they do not feel too “heavy” and that they feel comfortable playing. At the end of the day, if you don`t know how to wear shin guards, you can contact your coach or league. I thought, like many other players who were my friends a few years ago, that shin guards weren`t really necessary. I thought it was a luxury we don`t need when we play the “beautiful game”. “I`m going to see your little shin guard and lift a thin rubber band on you.” Incredible. While FIFA doesn`t go too far in the type of shin guards players must use, they do mention that shin guards should be made of materials that can provide adequate protection to players. If you`re new to football, you may have questions about how a player should wear his shin guard. In this article, I want to walk you through every step of the process to make sure you feel comfortable knowing how to wear shin guards. In a contact sport as physical as football, it`s no surprise that there`s mandatory padding that players must wear to play the game.

Given football players` dependence on legs and ankles, shin guards are an understandable necessity of the sport. In fact, shin guards are the only mandatory element for players in FIFA laws that serve exclusively as protective equipment for athletes. FIFA, the international organisation that sets and enforces all the rules of football, considers shin guards so important that players cannot participate in the sport without them. What for? Simply because shin guards are extremely important for football players and help you avoid a lot of pain. You need to check that players are not wearing jewelry, that their shin guards are following the rules, and that they are wearing the right nails. Keeping Premier League players under control with all their fad decisions and antics should feel like a full-time job for referees. Puma has ankle and shin guards, but may not be the best target for shin socks. Their shin guards offer excellent shock absorption while remaining lightweight and durable.

Puma shin guards are available in both young and adult sizes, with prices up to $60. Shin guards became mandatory in football in 1990. FIFA said it was mandatory equipment to protect players from rough duels. The original idea of shin guards was to give the wearer more confidence that he can dribble the ball without injury. First of all, there are players who simply hate the feeling of wearing shin guards. Whether it`s the discomfort, clutter, or classic sweat that comes with it, some players just can`t get used to it. Fastening comfort: The elastic band used for stirrups and around the ankles may seem too tight.

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