Puc New Rules 2020

On May 4, 2020, the Commission temporarily approved the urgent request of the Young Brothers to change its schedules for the islands of Molokai, Lanai, Maui and Hawaii for a period of 30 days. During this period, Young Brothers must provide the Commission and the Consumer Advocate with additional information containing updates on Young Brothers` financial situation and measures to minimize the impact on Neighbor Island`s customers. [Effective November 14, 2020] Rules for Proposed Amendments to the Rules Governing Community Solar Gardens, adopted under Procedure No. 19R-0608E. The Public Utilities Commission (the “Commission”) has scheduled a virtual hearing to ask parties questions about the Commission`s performance-based regulation (“PBR”). This consultation is the culmination of more than two years of collaborative working group meetings, workshops, information sessions and discoveries, during which the parties developed and refined a number of proposed regulatory mechanisms to implement the transition from service costs regulation to plant breeders` rights for review and verification by the Board. The hearing will take place from Monday, September 21, 2020 to Wednesday, September 23, 2020, with each hearing day beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at approximately 5:00 p.m. The Board will hold the hearing on behalf of the parties via Webex, but will broadcast the hearing live to the public via a separate YouTube channel. The STATE OF HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (“Commission”) is postponing the Lanai Water Company`s public hearing scheduled for Monday, March 16, 2020, in light of the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation. The Commission regrets the inconvenience this may cause, but considers it appropriate, in view of the circumstances, to postpone the public consultation. The Commission will then issue an amended notice of consultation containing information on the amended date and location of the hearing.

On June 30, 2020, the Commission issued an order announcing that it would extend until August 31, 2020 the deferral period during which it will not apply or set penalties or interest on the submission of renewal taxes and annual financial reports by automotive companies. The Commission had previously announced a deferral of the assessment and application of penalties and interest from April 30, 2020 to June 30, 2020. Given the circumstances surrounding the ongoing measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission has decided to extend this deferral period until 31 August 2020. 8. December 2020 – Interested persons are informed that the listed applications have been submitted to the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. The Board has scheduled a virtual evidentiary hearing for the Young Brothers` request for emergency or temporary tax relief, which was filed on July 7, 2020. The hearing will take place on Friday, August 14, 2020, starting at 9:00 a.m. The Commission will organise the hearing on behalf of the parties via WebEx, but will make it available to the public via a separate YouTube channel.

[Effective September 14, 2010] Permanent, construction and extension of transport facilities adopted in procedure No. 09R-904E. [Effective March 30, 2010] Amended Standing Rules in Procedure No. 08R-424E – newly amended rules of the Renewable Energy Standard. 19. In March 2020, the Public Utilities Commission issued an order announcing that it would defer until July 1, 2020 the application and assessment of penalties and interest related to annual charges and annual reports for road transport operators. On June 1, 2020, HELCO submitted a quarterly report to the PUC on the status of permits and other issues related to the AMP facility. The STATE OF HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (“Commission”) will hold a public hearing in connection with the Commission`s application for approval by HAWAII ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY (“HELCO”) for the construction of sections of 69-kilovolt overhead lines for the Puna geothermal generation facility. The public hearing will take place on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Pahoa Neighborhood Facility. The Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, October 10. June 2020, from 1:00 p.m.

to 3:00 p.m., a virtual status conference is scheduled in this emergency investigation protocol (file no. 2020-0084). discuss the Young Brothers` current access to funding and its contingency plans in light of recent submissions regarding its financial situation. The Commission provided the status conference agenda and information on public access to view the status conference remotely. [Effective September 1, 2009] Amendments to Rules 3652 to 3664 adopted under Renewable Energy Standard Procedure No. 09R-618E. [The emergency rules expired on March 30, 2010.] HONOLULU – The Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) has named the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission`s Regulatory Innovation Power Game of the Year. The Commission was one of eight winning categories of the SEPA Power Players Awards 2020, which recognise innovative efforts in project or programme design, unique partnerships, stakeholder engagement and more. Commission June 8, 2020 Inquiries for Young Brothers The Commission has convened a status conference at the Public Utilities Commission, 465 South King Street, #103, Downtown Honolulu Courtroom, on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. [Effective December 16, 2020] Temporary rules modifying cost recovery for low-income programs, adopted under Procedure No.

20R-0537EC. On Friday, April 24, 2020, the Young Brothers filed a tariff submission with the PUC requesting changes to their weekly schedule, citing the need to reduce costs by reducing weekly departures due to the COVID-19 emergency. Anyone wishing to make a public comment on this transfer can send an email comment to [email protected] before May 5, 2020, referring to YB Tariff Transmission Tariff No. 20-0003. The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission issued its final decision and order in a 3-0 decision approving a rate increase and revising the plans and rate rules of Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc. (“HELCO”). Young Brothers Presentation File No. 2020-0084: Public Utilities Commission Status Conference on the Young Brothers Emergency Investigation Procedure February 2, 2017 – The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (“PUC”) reminds the public that its law enforcement officers continue to travel throughout the state at unannounced hours to ensure highwaymen comply with state laws and regulations. Popular tourist attractions such as Kailua, Oahu and Hana, Maui are among the supervised areas. The STATE OF HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (“Commission”) will hold a public hearing on LANAI WATER COMPANY, INC.`s application to review and approve rate increases, rate plan revisions and rate changes for its drinking water and non-drinking water services.

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